I do not fear death,
in view of the fact that I had been dead
for billions and billions of years
before I was born, and had not suffered
the slightest inconvenience from it.
- Mark Twain
in view of the fact that I had been dead
for billions and billions of years
before I was born, and had not suffered
the slightest inconvenience from it.
- Mark Twain

- Slides are HTML (_Can be images or text_)
- Easily swap between fading & *sliding*
- _Infinite Slide_ support
- Multiple PlusSliders per page
- Fixed width or 100% width support
- Slides can be different width and or height
- API for developers
- Very simple & _valid markup_
- AutoPlay (Optional)
- Next/Previous Navigation (Optional)
- Titled or numbered paginated navigation (Optional)
- Callback available after each slide
- Tested on IE 6+ and modern browsers
Default Options
/* General */
sliderType : 'slider', // Choose whether the carousel is a 'slider' or a 'fader'
infiniteSlide : true, // Gives the effect that the slider doesn't ever "repeat" and just continues forever
disableLoop : false, // Disables prev or next buttons if they are on the first or last slider respectively. 'first' only disables the previous button, 'last' disables the next and 'both' disables both
fullWidth : false, // sets the width of the slider to 100% of the parent container
width : null, // Set the width of the slider
height : null, // Set the height of the slider
/* Display related */
defaultSlide : 0, // Sets the default starting slide - Number based on item index
displayTime : 4000, // The amount of time the slide waits before automatically moving on to the next one. This requires 'autoPlay: true'
sliderEasing : 'linear', // Anything other than 'linear' and 'swing' requires the easing plugin
speed : 500, // The amount of time it takes for a slide to fade into another slide
/* Functioanlity related */
autoPlay : true, // Creats a times, looped 'slide-show'
keyboardNavigation : true, // The keyboard's directional left and right arrows function as next and previous buttons
pauseOnHover : true, // AutoPlay does not continue ifsomeone hovers over Plus Slider.
/* Arrow related */
createArrows : true, // Creates forward and backward navigation
arrowsPosition : 'prepend', //Where to insert arrows in relation to the slider ('before', 'prepend', 'append', or 'after')
nextText : 'Next', // Adds text to the 'next' trigger
prevText : 'Previous', // Adds text to the 'prev' trigger
/* Pagination related */
createPagination : true, // Creates Numbered pagination
paginationPosition : 'append', // Where to insert pagination in relation to the slider element ('before', 'prepend', 'append', or 'after')
paginationWidth : false, // Automatically gives the pagination a dynamic width
paginationTitle : false, // Checks for attribute 'data-title' on each slide and names the pagination accordingly
/* Callbacks */
onInit : null, // Callback function: On slider initialize
onSlide : null, // Callback function: As the slide starts to animate
afterSlide : null, // Callback function: As the slide completes the animation
onSlideEnd : null // Callback function: Once the slider reaches the last slide
Usage Instructions
Step 1 - Add the <head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery.plusslider.1.1.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
Step 2 - Create a container div
<div id="mySlider">
Step 3 - Add Slides
Any child element will be a slide, even if it's an <a>
, <div>
, <img>
or even <blockquote>
<div id="mySlider">
<a href="#"><img src="image.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<div class="slide2"><h2>Lorem Ipsum dolor</h2></div>
<img src="image2.jpg" alt="" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
Phasellus ligula nibh, suscipit quis condimentum eleifend,
Lacinia a felis aenean erat nisl, tempus non ornare eu,
Commodo quis ipsum.
Step 4 - Relax
Your all done!
Controlling the height, width, colour, pagination and directional arrows
This is all with CSS and is easily & completely customized.
The pagination is numbered. text-indent
has been used within my styling to hide them for aesthetic purposes.
Note: every slide should be equal in width and height which is why I've added the optional autofitContents
javascript functionality.
Version 1.4.6
- New option added:
- Fixed infiniteScroll to work with option
- Did some minor css adjustments
Version 1.4.5
- Fixed various
bugs - Streamlined the script slightly more
- Removed beforeSlide callback function - unnecessary
- renamed
callback functions toonInit
Version 1.4.2
- Added a 100% width support option,
- Added a basic API to use within the callback functions
- Added extra callback options
- Converted all global plugin variables and functions into properties and methods of the PlusSlider object
- Did some some structural changes to make everything more efficient
Version 1.4
- Added slider support for dynamic
- Streamlined the script
- Removed the
option - Set the
to default to false - Changed the title of the option
- Added
option - Added comments throughout the jquery.plusslider.js file as well as made it more human-readable
- Changed a couple of element types and class names
- Added
class to the.child
Version 1.3
- Added nextText and prevText options
- Added the paginationThumbnails option
- Added the nextSlide() functionality to toSlide()
- Removed the nextSlide() function - Redundant
Version 1.2.6
- Added a paginationTitle
- Plugin optimization
- Added a minimal style option for easier CSS customization - jordanlev
- Added callback function - jordanlev
- Added toSlide() function - jordanlev
Version 1.2
- Added option to place pagination before the slides
- Fixed a bug where PlusSlider wouldn't fade when display was set to none
- Removed version number from all file names
Version 1.1
- Added support for multiple sliders per page
- Added a
Version 1
- First official version